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Track Your Application Single Implement and CHC Application Tracking System Date : 21/09/2024
Enter your Single Implement / CHC Application Reference Number :
User Image not Found

Single Implement Application Detail


Implement Image not Found

Implement Details

Make : {{ApplicationDetails.Make}}
Model : {{ApplicationDetails.Model}}
Offer Price : {{ApplicationDetails.OfferPrice}}
  • {{ApplicationDetails.ApplicationRegistrationDate}}
  • 21/09/2024

    Currently Application is Pending With

    State : {{PendingUser.State}}, District : {{PendingUser.District}}, Block : {{PendingUser.Block}}
    User Name : {{PendingUser.UserName}}, Mobile No :{{PendingUser.Mobile}}, Email : {{PendingUser.Email}}
  • User Image

    Application is Rejected

    Rejection Due to Dealer not Selected by Farmer or Bill not Generated by Dealer within Specified Time Limit
    Application Rejected by Senior Officer After Physical Verification Report
  • {{x.Remarks}} {{x.ReceivedByDate}}
    Application has been Registered by you with Application Reference Number - {{x.ApplicationRefNo}} to purchase implement '{{ApplicationDetails.ImplementSubsidyName}}' on date - {{x.AddedDate}}.
    Dealer {{ApplicationDetails.DealerName}} has been selected by you to purchase Implement.
    Application Accepted & Bill has been added by Dealer '{{ApplicationDetails.DealerName}}' with Following Details.
    Invoice No : {{ApplicationDetails.InvoiceNo}}
    Invoice Date : {{ApplicationDetails.InvoiceDate}}
    Make : {{ApplicationDetails.Make}}
    Model : {{ApplicationDetails.Model}}
    Machine No : {{ApplicationDetails.MachineNo}}
    Engine/Chessis/Serial No(Engroved on machine) : {{ApplicationDetails.ChassisNo}}
    Dealer Price : {{ApplicationDetails.DealerPrice | currency:'₹'}}
    Subsidy Amount : {{ApplicationDetails.SubsidyAmount | currency:'₹'}}
    Application had been Accepted & Approved by Manufacturer on '{{x.AddedDate}}'.
    Remark - {{ApplicationDetails.ManufacturerRemarks}}
    Application had been Accepted & Verified by District Officer after Post Sale on Date - '{{x.AddedDate}}'.
    1. Aadhar Card Verified? Y N
    2. Caste Certificate Verified? Y N
    3. Land Details Verified? Y N
    4. Implement Make & Model Details Verified? Y N
    5. Engine No/Chessis No./Serial No(Engorved on Machine) Verified? Y N
    6. Implement Details Verified as per Bill Details? Y N
    7. Bank Account Details Verified? Y N
    8. Farmer Photo Verified? Y N
    Application had been Re-Verified by Officer after Post Sale Verification on Date - '{{x.AddedDate}}'
    Remark : {{ApplicationDetails.ReverificationRemark}}
    Application had been send back to modification by Officer on Post Sale Verification on Date - '{{x.AddedDate}}'
    Remark : {{ApplicationDetails.SubsidyApprovalRemark}}
    Subsidy is approved on this application on date : - '{{x.AddedDate}}'
User Image not Found

CHC Application Detail


Implement Image not Found

Implement Details

  • {{ApplicationDetails.ApplicationRegistrationDate}}
  • 21/09/2024

    Currently Application is Pending With

    State : {{PendingUser.State}}, District : {{PendingUser.District}}, Block : {{PendingUser.Block}}
    User Name : {{PendingUser.UserName}}, Mobile No :{{PendingUser.Mobile}}, Email : {{PendingUser.Email}}
  • User Image

    Application is Rejected

    Rejection Due to Dealer not Selected by Farmer or Bill not Generated by Dealer within Specified Time Limit
    Application Rejected by Senior Officer After Physical Verification Report
  • {{x.Remarks}} {{x.ReceivedByDate}}
    Waiting for Approval and Permit Genration
    Project Approved and Permit Genrated
    Bill Added On Implements
    Physically Varified Project
    Subsidy Released
    Subsidy Rejected
    Send Back to Re-Verifiaction officer
    Project Proposal Correction
    ReVerification of Project
    Project Proposal Rejected
    Correction of Project By CHC
    Updated Application
    Send Back to Phyical Verifiaction officer
    Project Rejected By Re-Verification Officer
    Processed For Account Section
    Project Recorrected
    Approved By Dealer
    Reject By Dealer
    Approved By Manufacturer
    Reject By Manufacturer
    Sent Back by Dealer
    Sent Back by Manufacturer